Business Coronavirus Opinion

Can Kimberly-Clark spare a few rolls of toilet paper to Chester folks?

There’s a big factory that makes toilet paper on the Chester riverfront. I’m not sure what they give to the Chester community besides some good jobs and a lot of polluted air from burning coal. How cool would it be if we could get some of that toilet paper?
It would be public relations gold for Kimberly-Clark across the country if they were seen offering every Chester household the opportunity to pick up a couple rolls of Scott-1000 toilet paper. My insiders there say they have a lot a cases of ‘recycled’ toilet paper, or rolls that don’t have the cardboard center, that employee take home.
I personally don’t understand the need to hoard toilet paper, but when there’s a factory right in your city making the product and shipping it across the land, don’t you think it would be a win-win if they could find a way to share a few rolls with at least the people in most need around the city of Chester?
Has anyone asked? Does anyone care?

11 replies on “Can Kimberly-Clark spare a few rolls of toilet paper to Chester folks?”

1. You ain’t got no insider cause they would tell you the warehouse is bare right now. Before this pandemic – that warehouse stacked to the brim. Now the product comes right off the machine and into trucks and is gone.
2. If you had an insider they would be telling you that they are converting their power from coal. Don’t believe me? Go to the front gate and see the construction going on there, right there clear as day big old construction site for you to see.
3. Didn’t you know the employees donate money out of their checks to United Way? Every check an amount is taken out if the employee chooses to and donated to the United Way and in return 2 times a year there is a distribution of products that they pay a discounted price for. And as a bonus every month or so if they had an injury free work month the employees are given a product for free. Can be anything paper towels, TP, wipes, tissues, etc.
4. Get a new insider and stop trying to get free stuff


Don’t be so angry. Relax!
1. My imaginary insider was speaking of before the pandemic. I’m sorry I didn’t get an update lately.
2. Yes. They are converting to coal. How long have they been polluting the city? When will they finish the conversion to natural gas? Read this from 2017:

What am I missing in the Kimberly-Clark $6 million story?

3. Employees get discounts and free products. Great. And for the rest of the ‘needy’ people in Chester????
4. There’s no where in my post that indicates I’m asking for myself. “… it would be a win-win if they could find a way to share a few rolls with at least the people in most need around the city of Chester?”
5. Thanks for the rant.


Yes my husband called a friend that works there and he said the warehouse is also bare . Everything this man said is the truth!!


I don’t know the destination point of the deliveries but the toilet paper isn’t making it to the shelves. I have a brilliant idea. Drop some of those cartons off at the food pantries and shelters in Chester every other week. I’m sure someone would be happy to give you a list of addresses and phone numbers. The men and women working/volunteering tirelessly at these places would be most grateful for the generosity of Scott Paper. Thank you in advance.


Other than at former St. Rep Kirkland’s Cross Colors summer event, I’ve never known Kimberly Clark to give away paper items. They gave away a lot at that event the times there were there.


We do have case sales and a lot of employees that are from Chester buy them at a very low price and give they give away and donate. We also have a campaign and donate to the local United Way and most non profits that request on letter head. Working there over 30 years I volunteered to Park rebuild and clean up on the east side, product give aways at Thaddeus Kirkland Across Color Events along with local employees tax and of course business taxes. We are building a New Co Generation plant that will operate with gas. I’m sure other things are being done since I stop being active. I’m not saying it’s perfect but seek and ye shall find. If you would like further information I can put you in touch with a contact. Thanks my Classmate


Hey Box. Thanks for the note. I’m aware of the Cross Colors giveaways. In fact, I walked away with a case of toilet paper that lasted me, a single guy, forever. I just would like to see something happen right now as a result of the situation where so many people around here can only buy a roll or two every time they get enough money to shop and find the shelves empty because people are hoarding. If there is ever a time for Kimberly-Clark to help some needy folks around here, it’s now.


I use to lead that event but the logistics and lack of volunteers made it became hassle for me to arrange and clean up. If there is a nonprofit organization with letter head and trust worthy have them contact Tom Brooks at the plant address.


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